January 9th, 2018—Morning on the farm, overlooking the low grounds.
Broad Shoulders Farm is my family’s first farm. On our 1/4 acre in Sutherlin, Virginia we grow vegetables, flowers, and herbs, and pastured duck and chicken eggs. We farm on a small scale using biologically intensive techniques, partnering with living soils and the systems that drive them to produce—what we aim for—the cleanest, most delicious, most nutrient-dense food in Southside Virginia. We produce using mostly hand tools, season extension techniques, and animal partners, and sell to our local community year round at farmers markets and through our member CSA shares.
THAT is the business description I intend to make a reality before this year (2018) is out.
Right now, all of it’s just an idea, a dream; sure, one that’s been turning in my mind, growing, shrinking, changing and evolving for many years, but still just an intention.
Since 2013, I’ve taken classes, completed online courses, attended workshops, even interned briefly in Canada, and read—so much reading!—and that opening paragraph is the distilled vision of what I’m aiming for.
It’s all led to this next step.
On this blog is where I’ll chronicle the research and planning, the trials and tribulations, and the journey as I work to make this farm—my farm—a reality.
This is my farm business site, and this blog is my farm business story.